Siberian Larch Tongue Groove V Joint 20x115mm


Price Linear Meter (lm)


Price Meter Squared (m2)


Board Thickness


Board Full Width

115mm (105mm coverage)

Timber Species

Siberian Larch

Board Profile

Tongue Groove V Joint


In Stock
£ 3.00

Siberian Larch is a highly versatile timber product and is a preferred choice for timber cladding by architects and self-builders. With a durability class 3, it has an anticipated service life of 20-30 years (untreated). The high resin content found in Siberian larch makes it one of the most durable softwoods in the world. Siberian larch trees grow very slowly and consequently the larch wood is extremely dense and strong when compared to other softwoods such as spruce and cedar. The density of Siberian Larch is 590 kg/m3 (mean, Kg/m³) and ranges from 570 kg/m3 to 650 kg/m3
Displaying a clean natural yellow/straw colour, Siberian Larch will offer a sophisticated look to any project.
Siberian larch, which is a straw colour, similar to pine, should not be confused with the European larch growing in Britain, which is a dark pink colour. Unlike European larch, the knots in Siberian larch cladding are a lighter grey colour and tend to stay solid even after drying and machining. For this reason, we tend to favour Siberian larch over British larch for machined cladding profiles.

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